International public call for expressions of interest for the financing, development, equipment, operation and management of the Ouassa-Baboute , industrial reference technology park (technopôle)

The Government of Cameroon, represented by the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, the awarding authority hereinafter referred to as “the Public Partner”, launches an International Public Call for Expressions of Interest (APMI) with the aim of selecting a Promoter (independent companies or groups of companies) within the meaning of Law N°2013/011 of 16 December 2013 governing économie zones in Cameroon. The Promoter shall support the Government of the Republic of Cameroon in setting up the Ouassa-Babouté agro-industrial reference technological park (Technopôle) following the “smart city” model.
The project consists of the création of a high-tech processing industrial zone with a high-level research and development center able to host world-class researchers. It will include a support infrastructure for businesses and producers of raw materials as well as a commercial and business service zone. The project will also contribute to put in place an inclusive development system integrating production basins located in rural areas and based on innovation accelerators. The park will process several spéculations identified in the technical studies. It will equally be built as a technological tourism center.