132nd edition of Labor Day celebrated at MINMIDT

“Social dialogue: a factor promoting decent work and socio-economic progress in Cameroon”. This is the theme for the activities of the 132nd edition of Labor Day, which was celebrated yesterday, May 1sr, 2018, throughout the national territory.
MINMIDT took part in it through its parade held on the Boulevard du 20 mai and a commemorative ceremony organized in the village hall of François Xavier Vogt College in Yaoundé.
Regarding the ceremony, three main highlights marked these moments of communion between the Minister Ernest GBWABOUBOU and the staff of the Ministerial Department for which he is responsible.
As a first step, Mr. NANE Pierre, representing staff delegates, spoke on behalf of all MINMIDT staff. He began by expressing the gratitude of all the Staff to the Minister who personally honored his presence at this ceremony. He then wished to convey the congratulations of the Staff to HE Ernest GBWABOUBOU for the renewed confidence of the President of the Republic H.E Paul BIYA during the reorganization of the Government on March 2nd. Continuing his presentation he noted the many advances made for almost three years by the Minister Ernest GBWABOUBOU with regard to the improvement of working conditions and especially the promotion to positions of responsibility of competent young Cameroonians while respecting the gender approach. . The accountability of contract staff has not been left out. There are two directors of the central administration out of eight, eight deputy directors and especially six regional delegates out of the ten that count the MINMIDT. At the end of his remarks, the staff representative noted some complaints mainly concerning the lack of offices for the staff of the central and deconcentrated services.
Taking the floor, Minister Ernest GBWABOUBOU reassured his staff of his willingness to promote social dialogue and decent working conditions for all staff. He also announced the availability of a site that should make it possible to build the headquarters building of MINMIDT’s central services. The Minister stressed that the Labor Day must be for all staff an opportunity for deep reflection and collective introspection. It is a question of thinking about the solutions that will contribute to the influence of MINMIDT. He then recalled the main measures undertaken since taking office and in particular the cleaning up of the file of staff and manners. Returning to appointments to positions of responsibility, the Minister recalled that his goal remains to put each post the best profile in accordance with the staff file. This would provide the ministerial department with competent men and women who will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Ministry which holds many hopes for our country. Regarding staff expectations, instructions were given to the General Affairs Department to pay particular attention to them. The Minister then thanked the Head of State and the Prime Minister who paid particular attention to the grievances of this ministerial department whose coordination is difficult because of the dissemination of its central services throughout the city of Yaounde.
The third highlight was the sharing of the occasional buffet in a friendly atmosphere.