Annual conference of central and devolved services of MINMIDT extended to affiliated bodies january 16th and 17th 2020

The Annual Conference of Central and Devolved Services is an annual gathering of MINMIDT’s officials and its affiliated bodies. It usually takes place at the beginning of the year. This year, it is geared towards three main articulations:
- The thematic conference: it is a reflection on the main theme which generally has to do with a topical issue relating to MINMIDT’s missions;
- The internal dialogue: the aim is to present and discuss with participants on:
- the review of the activities of the previous year in order to make a self-assessment;
- the outlooks for the year that begins that will result to a road map in the form of a circular letter from the Minister.
- The New Year wishes to the Minister and the Secretary of State
In order to determine the main theme of the 2019 annual conference, priority was given competitiveness in the industrial sector.
Indeed, in his inaugural address on 6 November 2018, the President of the Republic, Head of State, H. E Paul BIYA said: “… There can be no modern economy without an efficient industrial sector… “.
The performance of the Cameroonian industry so dear to the President of the Republic is now crucial at a time when Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union, and the coming of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AECFTA), constitute both an opportunity and a threat to Cameroonian industrial enterprises, which ought to be well prepared to face foreign competition.
MINMIDT is thereby challenged as are all structures under its tutelage.
It is in this vein that the main theme of the conference is: “Cameroon Industry Faced with the Challenges and Stakes of Competitiveness within a Context of Free Trade”
To address this issue, two main themes have been proposed: the role of quality infrastructure and the contribution of technology. Hence the following two sub-themes:
- The role of quality infrastructure in industrial competitiveness;
- The stakes of technology watch and transfer for the domestic industry.
The section on the review of activities will focus on the assessment of activities carried out in 2019. Part three will focus on the outlooks and the development of the road map that the Minister will assign to each official.
The work will take place on 16 January 2020 at the Yaoundé Conference Centre.