International Call for Expression of Interest for the granting of mining titles on the rutile block of Akonolinga,

The Republic of Cameroon acknowledges that the mining sector is a lever for its economic development and is committed to implementing all that may be necessary to meet its many investment demands. This commitment alone entirely explains why theGovernment of Cameroon expects from the winnerof the contract that shall beawarded at the end of this Procedure, the swift and relevant use of the block referred to and the proper conduct of mining operations, with the best practices of the mining industry, to guarantee the best results in ternis of health safety, and the protection of workers, the local populations and the environment.
Thus, the Ministry of Mines launches on behalf of the Government, an International Call for Expression of Interest (AIAMI) to shortlist Companies or Groupings, in accordance with the provisions of Article 43 (7) of Law N0.2016/017 of 14 December, 2016 on the Mining Code of the Republic of Cameroon, under the following conditions.
This International Call for Expression of Interest aims to shortlist Companies or Groupings to participate in the Restricted International Call for Tender for the “granting of a mining title on a rutile block”. This mining title shall be materialized by the issuance of a research permit based on specifications taking into account in particular the envisaged duration of works, the refund of the discounted value of the previous studies, the equity shares of the State in the future operating company, as the State expects a rapid mining of this deposit