Provisional schedule of inspections of establishments classified as dangerous, unhealthy or inconvenient

The National Committee of Inspections has just finalized the annual program of joint inspections of establishments classified as dangerous, unhealthy and inconvenient for the fiscal year 2018.
The said program is detailed in a document of 165 pages having in its contents 4600 establishments classified scheduled either 476 first class, 4214 second class.
As a reminder, the National Committee of Inspections was established by Decree of the Prime Minister Head of Government, No. 2014/2379 / PM of 20 August 2014 on the coordination of inspections of establishments classified as dangerous, unhealthy, or inconvenient.
This committee aimed to harmonize the inspections of the public services on the classified establishments in order to lighten the procedures and to reassure the economic operators.
It is a flagship measure to improve the business climate.
A specific web platform has been set up for this purpose
The National Inspection Committee is composed as follows:
President: The Minister in charge of establishments classified as dangerous, dangerous, unhealthy, or inconvenient or his representative.
Vice-President: The Minister of the Environment or his representative.
Members :
-A (01) representative of the Minister in charge of classified establishments (MINMIDT);
-a (1) representative of the Minister of the Environment (MINEPDED);
– One (01) representative of the Minister of Public Health (MINSANTE);
-One (01) representative of the Minister in charge of water and energy (MINEE);
– One (01) representative of the Minister of Civil Protection (MINAT);
– One (01) representative of the Minister of Justice (MINJUSTICE);
– One (01) representative of the Minister of Finance (MINFI);
One (01) representative of the National Fire Service;
– One (01) representative of the State Secretariat for Defense, in charge of the Gendarmerie.